In many Martial arts they teach you how to fall or how to break falls.
When learning how to skateboard it is just as important how to fall as it is to learn how to ride.
Every skateboarder falls.
And the same is said when learning to bmx bike.
The same can be said for our Christian walk and life decisions. Of course it is not our plan to fall or make a bad decision. But, we all do it from time to time. Some of us more than others.
These things could be something we should've but we didn't or something we should've not but we did. Something we may have said or not said. A decision we should've but didn't or should've not done but we did.
And some people it is easy to bounce right back up and others it's not as easy too.
This can be because of feelings of failure, guilt, doubt, defeat, frustration, embarrassment, fears, offense.
It could be one of these or more and not limited to any of these.
My dad use to say this about some college basketball ball teams that once they fall behind some of them don't know how to get back ahead or win. Versus an underdog team.
Some teams would have a winning streak but someone would put a whoopin on them and they would have a rough time after that.
And I think this can be true for people who are use to trying to do things right all the time. And just seem to hit the mark most of the time until they miss a big mark. Than this shakes their character. And some people have trouble shaking it off and/or getting back up again.
Learn to fall with grace and understanding in mind and spirit.
Romans 3:23-26 BSB
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, [24] and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. [25] God presented Him as the atoning sacrifice through faith in His blood, in order to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance He had passed over the sins committed beforehand. [26] He did this to demonstrate His righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and to justify the one who has faith in Jesus.
Psalm 103:13-14 BSB (God knows and is in no wise surprised)
As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him. [14] For He knows our frame; He is mindful that we are dust.
Proverbs 24:16 reads like:
For a righteous man may fall seven times And rise again...
Some tips on getting up are:
- Owning it
- Forgivness
- Repentance
- Seek the Lord
- Making any wrongs that may need to be made right
- If accountability is needed get accountability partners
- Somethings just take time and shaking it off and keep on chugging along. Put your best foot forward.
- Make any changes that may need to be made to do better and be better
- Ask for help when it seems too hard to move forward
You'll see Mark 2:1-14 man lowered by his friends through a roof to get him to Jesus.
You'll see Simon the Cyrene helped Jesus carry his cross when in the flesh Jesus was getting weak.
And tons of other stories where family and others would come to Jesus in place of their sick one, possessed ones, dead ones, blind and deaf ones.
Or even when Jesus' disciples came to Jesus wanting to send the people away because they were hungry, thirsty, and tired. But Jesus had other plans and led them to partake of a miracle to feed the 5000+ and 4000+ who were hungry.
Some two keys from the above paragraph we need help from others and others that know how to get to Jesus for us or know how to pray for us and bring our need to Jesus for us when we are weak.
I'm sure more could be said. But, if you find yourself where you have made a wrong turn it isn't the end of the world. It isn't game over unless it is
But, don't just quit or pull out. Keep your head up. You're not the first nor the last to make a mistake. No one is perfect.
God bless and Jesus love you so much more than you know!
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I love how you pointed out the fact about how important it is to learn how to fall, or break the fall. It is equally important to learn how to get back up. The game is never over until it is. We have to keep striving towards the mark. 🙌😃