Isaiah 40:31 BSB
But those who wait upon the LORD will renew their strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.
Just some after thoughts:
I remember this song by John Waller
"While I'm waiting I will serve you, while I'm waiting I'll worship you"
This song kind of reminds me of the meaning of the word wait in the Bible.
It's an active kind of waiting like when you are going to school or training for something.
Definition: to wait, to look for, to hope, to expect
Meaning: to bind together, collect, to expect
verb wait for (probably originally twist, stretch, then of tension of enduring, waiting:
Just something to think about when you feel called to be something or you are trying to become something that sometimes the process and/or timing isn't what we are expecting. This doesn't mean we quit everything and throw the baby out with the bath water because nothing is adding up or things don't seem right or even things may not look the way you think it should be or the way the Bible depicts something.
In reference to not throwing the baby out with the bath water: I.e. remember the significance, remember the inspiration, the reason behind the motions. Maybe you don't agree with your job, church, or organization. Instead of dropping it all or ghosting it all.
May ask yourself why do you go to church?
What is going right ? What is agreeable? What is important?
Why do you work? What benefits you from this job right now?
What are the pros and cons of staying or leaving?
And I get it sometimes we have to learn by making a decision and sometimes there are times we may need to drop things to start over. God knows this and I believe He'll prepare us and lead us.
Sometimes the key is to wait and let God work. And for us not to give up but wait in the sense of hoping, earnestly expecting. Like I compared this to be trained for something or going to school to become something. Both of these take work but both are a waiting process to get there that takes work, studying, time, energy, money, sleep, rest, to get there.
Just saying waiting can be work.
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